Tri Vantage IFAI Expo 2009 Magazine Ad



The IFAI Expo is the largest specialty fabrics trade show in the Americas. Tri Vantage is one of the largest attendees each year. It’s not business as usual anymore. The economy has seen to that. But Tri Vantage can help by providing more ways to close sales and help their customers grow. The client came to Mitchell Allen Group requesting a new exhibit theme for the IFAI 2009 Expo.


We came up with “Open your Mind. Close more sales”. To capture visitors’ attention, we came up with an interactive video that incorporated viewers into the video.


People flocked to the booth and enjoyed the new theme. Our client premiered the People Love Shade consumer web site and introduced the Interior Shade Collection. Nobody at the convention had a booth as unique as our client’s booth. Bottom line, the client increased sales that season.


Graphic Designer: assist the creative director in the exhibit theme, design the booth artwork and assisted the art director storyboarding the video.

Bronze Addy Award